To say I was excited to get the call from Corey about scheduling family photos for the Talbott Tribe would be an understatement! Both of my kids love Little Tydus, aka. The Mini Jake Paul! So of course, I couldn't tell them where I was going. I waited until after the session was over, and being the sweet family that they are, Tydus texted a little video to my son saying Hi. They were So excited, you would have thought Christmas Came early! When I got home and uploaded their images, it was like Christmas came early for me! 

Mini Jake Paul

Oh Baby, would look at those Gorgeous eyes! And the curls ... Watch out ladies!

Family Photographer

Corey wanted a Woodsy setting for their photos to pair with these stunning outfits. And Jack's Peak Park was the first spot I thought of. The top of the Park overlooks the entire valley and if you get there at just the right time of day, The sunset will shine right through those trees and make the most gorgeous light. Perfect for what she had in mind! 

Children's photographer
Outdoor Portraits

Those are the smiles that babies can only have for their Mama. I am willing to bet that Tydus and Ryatt giggle non-stop no matter where they are. 

Carmel Family Photographer

I am obsessed with these gorgeous outifts! Tydus was the definition of style in his Blue Suit and grey Oxford's, which go perfectly with Ryatt's Rhinestone trimmed Navy blue Christmas Dress and matching Silver Sparkly Oxfords!  Dad, Travis, looks cool and confident in complimenting shades of blue, while Mom, Corey, is stunning in this lace gown from Nightcap Clothing, which is available to rent from  See Corey's Instagram profile @travandcor  for details and special offers!  

Tydus Talbott, The Mini Jake Paul
Toddler Portraits

Family Portraits are supposed to be a Fun experience, so when we are working together we will not just pose and smile. We play games, we run races and go on adventures. Tydus is showing me how he plays the guitar, while we rock out to Elmo! 

Custom Photography
Sunset Photoshoot
Children's photographer
Monterey Photographer
Carmel Photographer

And, since it is so close to Christmas we HAD to do some fun photos with lights when it got dark! 

The Mini Jake Paul
Salinas Photographer
Mommy and Me Photos
Family Portraits, Monterey
Children's Photographer

I cannot say enough about this amazing, super sweet, adorable family. You can see all the fun they get up to also by following their instagram accounts at @travandcor, @tydustalbott, @coreytalbott, @minijakepaul or on their You Tube Channel at  Trav and Cor.  

To See all the fun as it happens please subscribe! Want more information about being a part of the Sheryl Bjorn Photography Family?  Contact us HERE

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