It is that time of year again .... Family Portrait Season!!  Time to plan your Christmas Cards and which photos you want to print for Grandma and Grandpa. But just the thought of taking your toddlers for photos is enough to stop you in your tracks!  I CAN HELP! Do you want to make it through that hour and come out the other side with beautiful photographs you can hang on your walls and share with Family and Friends? Here is what you need .... 

1.) It's No Big Deal

Salinas Family Photographer

If you Stress ... they Stress! And the way kids show stress is refusing to listen, crying, and over-reacting to simple situations. The best way to put them at ease is to talk to them. Your photoshoot is just another errand you have to do today. It is simple and when you are done you will be on to the next thing. If your daughter wants to wear her hair straight and won't sit still long enough for you to curl it, that is OK! Let her Rock the long Rapunzel hair. Don't sweat the small stuff! 

2.) Make It Fun!

Monterey Family Photographer

Let them be Silly! You adore them for their quirks and the huge personalities that are packed into those tiny bodies. So why fight it? Let them prepare and bring that silly toy they want to take a picture with! If they get to have some input they will be much more cooperative. As a photographer, I will make sure to let them take their Pirate Adventure Photo while making sure you get the Family Portraits that are important to you. 

3.) Be Prepared

Carmel Family Photographer

Sometimes it is best to over - prepare! If you have a long drive, bring your son's favorite toy or blanket so he will stay at ease.  And SNACKS! As a mom, you know that the snacks in your purse or diaper bag could save you. I am a mom also, and I am not above a little bit of M&M bribery. You gotta do what you gotta do!  Only you know your child, and sometimes bringing Grandma along to comfort them and make them smile from behind the camera will do the trick! (and of course they will want a picture with Grandma to remember the day) 

4.) Be Patient

Children's Photographer

Sometimes kids need to think it was their idea. I will let them tell me about their adventures and the things they have seen, and we will go with the story that they want to tell, while gently suggesting "How Cool it would look if they sat right here!" It might take 5 minutes, it might take 20, don't sweat it! We will tell them the sign they are holding is so they can go Pokemon Hunting! And as long as we follow through and deliver that picture, they will be happy and more willing to cooperate in the future! Every child is different and I will work with them to get the best smiles.

5.) Have a Chat!

Family Pictures

Before your session, we can chat and prepare a fun experience! Tell me about their favorite songs, Cartoons they love, a favorite character, or a topic they are obsessed with, etc. This way I can be prepared with fun facts, conversation starters, Stickers or little treasures to win them over. If they love Paw Patrol ... There might be puppy ears in my camera bag! Putting your Children at ease is essential to a smooth, joyful Photoshoot! 


If you would like more information on the perfect Session for your Kids, don't wait! email me at

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